- We at G. M. Chemie Pvt. Ltd. are committed to excellent quality. A demanding quality that is adjusted to meet our customers
- Our system of quality ensures that we are in compliance with good manufacturing practice and with applicable laws
- We will try our best to give complete satisfaction to our customers, suppliers, employees and all institutions dealing with us
- We will up grade our quality of product and system as per international standards from time to time by use of latest technologies and skills
- The quality is planned and designed in origin. It is an effort of team and individual work of all is also very important
- We do well at first and we always improve. We improve ourselves by victories over ourselves
- To improve and encourage changes but all changes are controlled
- Differences and complaints are recorded and investigated
- The corrective and preventive actions are implemented through amendments to control documentation and training
- The traceability allows us to identify the nonconformance, deviations and trends that determine when changes are justified
- For a good job, each of us should,
First, know what is expected of us;
second, receive adequate training;
and finally, do the best we know, listening to colleagues, and when necessary, inform the customer before making the change